New Transfers: Please complete the New Transfer Application as well as the Transfer Agreement.
After submitting your transfer application, please scan a copy of the student's most recent report card, transcript showing academic progress for the past four years (report cards may be acceptable), standardized test scores, end of course exam results, and TPRI, NWEA, or Reading Readiness results if available along with the Transfer Agreement and email files to the campus principal.
Transfer Application, Transfer Agreement, and all supporting documentation must be submitted to the campus principal before a transfer will be considered. Transfers are not accepted for Pre-K and Kindergarten.
Returning Transfers: Please complete the Returning Transfer Application as well as the Transfer Agreement and email the agreement to the campus principal.
High School - Kristi Culpepper
Junior High School - Cody Strickland
Intermediate School - Maggie White
Elementary - Brandi Rankin